Wednesday 14 May 2008


Most people around here do not seem to rate Chennai public transport very highly. I admit it is not up to Londons standards, but I don't think it is too bad. Since I got my flat, I have been getting the bus to work in the mornings, which has been fairly comfortable (although I do leave home at 7.15am to avoid crowds and heat).

I have pointed out to a few of my colleagues that there is bus route information freely available on the MTC (Metropolitan Transport Corporation) website. And one thing is certainly true, bus and train travel is cheap.

I admit that I have been using a lot of Auto-rickshaws which has been more expensive, but I will probably buy a car soon. The auto drivers are pretty mad though, dodging in and out of the traffic. But they seem to get to your destination in one piece. The only other issue with them is payment. In Chennai it is illegal for the auto's not to have a meter, but I am yet to see one that has been turned on. The basic aim is to agree the price before the journey, otherwise there will be an almighty argument at the end of it!

I think driving will be OK, although the only problem might be if I am involved in any accident, I would struggle with not understanding Tamil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the three years i have been in the city, i would have used the autos some 10 times. The bus network is bloody brilliant, but its a shame they really dont know how to promote it.