Wednesday 25 June 2008


I've been a bit busy at work recently so haen't posted for a while.
In the last couple of weeks I've bought a car (Honda City) and passed my driving test.

In most countries, the test itself is he hard part. However here, all I had to do was drive the car in a straight line, do a u-turn and come back again. All this was on a deserted road. But India being India, the difficult part is getting the test, waiting around for a couple of hours, then after passing, waiting around to get the license itself. At least I can legally drive in India for the next 20 years.

Everyone was telling me that driving in India is crazy, although I'm actually enjoying it. It does require a lot of concentration though. The main differences are the motor bikes and auto-rickshaws zipping in between the cars. In heavy traffic if you leave any kind of gap between you and the car in front, it is instantly filled by bikes!

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