Tuesday 3 June 2008

It's Hot!

Generally, I haven't been used to 42 degrees Celsius in London. In fact I can safely say that the maximum temperature I have ever experienced is probably about 37-38 degrees before this. I guess it wasn't a smart move to come to Chennai just before the summer then :-).

For me it isn't too bad. I have air conditioning in my bedroom at home, and in the office so at least Monday - Friday is bearable. Weekends it is a different matter though.

Actually this post is a bit late as we seem to have reached the peak. Apparently it should cool down once the monsoon season starts in Kerala. I was expecting a monsoon season in Chennai as well, but I've been told not to get my hopes up!

The weirdest thing for me is that the only time of day to go out is either early morning or after 5pm. It really does start getting too hot by around 8.30am. I have been told that this year has been particularly severe though.

1 comment:

ecmistry said...

Missing your golfing skills Vinod ! and remember LFC are gonna win the league next season :0